
Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Dr's Appt

Okay, so I'm back from my doctor's appointment. He went through a bunch of questions and did an exam. He says that I'm close to ovulating. He suspects PCOS but my bloodwork doesn't match up with that diagnosis. I'm supposed to go back next Thursday for more bloodwork to check progesterone levels. I'm also supposed to call when my next cycle starts so we can set up an appointment for an HSG and PCT. He's not going to do a S/A because the PCT should let him know whether or not there's a male factor. So not a lot of info yet, but we're getting started.

oh, he also told me that if we're BDing at least twice a week, it's probably not a matter of timing so I don't really NEED to temp since it can get real old and add stress. But I personally like knowing exactly where in my cycle I am

another cool thing he said was that often when they do the HSG, the woman gets KU within a few months b/c when they shoot the dye up your tubes it can clear any blockage.

1 comment:

Poltzie said...

Great news Monica! Good luck with everything :)