
Monday, June 2, 2008

Wednesday's u/s

Okay, so I'm pretty nervous about my u/s on Wednesday. I've got all these what if's going through my head--what if there's no heartbeat? what if it's twins? what if I imagined it all? what if it's ectopic? what if there's some other problem, I haven't even thought of yet? So here I am trying to maintain some balance of calm when I get this email from my sister (trigs):

"Just to get your wheels turning before the appointment, I have to tell you the story H. and D., friends of ours from church in GA. H, conceived last year on Clomid (Her first child, (then 4), was a natural surprise, her second child,(then 2), a Clomid baby). Soon after a confirmed blood test, her husband D. had to go away to AZ on business. While he was gone, a little cramping and spotting sent H. rushing to the emergency room where the doctor assured her that everything was ok and ordered a "just in case" u/s to check for twins (high progesterone levels, I think). What they found was

(are you ready for this?)


Yes, SIX!

Imagine having to call your husband across the country to let him in on the big surprise!!!!! Anyway, as, I guess, is the natural order of things, H. and D. ended up giving birth to two healthy babies, a boy and a girl."

As if I wasn't freaking out enough as it was!!


nancy said...

you'll be fine. stop worrying.

and um, got enough tickers going?? lol!!!

Jen said...

I was super nervous before my 1st u/s. I could hardly sleep the night beforehand. But chances are things will go beautifully and it is very, very rare to end up with more than twins on clomid. So hang in there. Just one more sleep.

Rebecca said...

we're praying for peace regarding your ultrasound. it's so normal to have those worries...i had them with each of my pregnancies as well. especially with my first baby. can't wait to hear all about the ultrasound!

Rebecca said...

TAG--read my blog :)

Birdee said...

Let me tell you a little something about Stress and Worry after getting pregnant and becoming a mother, besides the fact that we never knew worry until we had children.

98% of everything I've ever worried about with my son - *It never came true - So it must work.
Worry Away My Dear!!

P.S. HA!HA!HA!HA!HA! Nancy, I just read your Blog!