Without further ado, here are pictures for your viewing pleasure:
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The story and pics
My labor and delivery were pretty uneventful. Around 6:45 on Tuesday night my water broke--not gushing, just a little squirt. I wasn't totally sure if that's what is was so we waited around the house until I got another squirt a little before 8. When the nurse examined me around 8:30, I was 3-4 cm, but she still felt the water sack so they took a swab to test it. Sure enough it was amniotic fluid so they put me in a labor/delivery/recovery room and started an IV. My contractions weren't incredibly painful, but I went ahead and took the Staydol (sp?). The plan was to give me pitocin around 5am if I wasn't laboring on my own. Around 1:30, my contractions were getting a lot worse and when she checked again, I was at 5cm so by 2:30 I had my epidural. A little before 6, I was 9cm and fully effaced. When they checked me again at 8, I was fully dilated and started pushing at about 8:20. By 8:45, Sarah was born and was being cleaned. I was a little upset that the doc cut the cord without giving Josh the option, but Josh was grabbing the camera to start taking pictures. There was some issue getting my placenta delivered, but I wasn't really paying attention because I was watching the nurse with my daughter. I think I also tore a little and they had to put in one stitch. Overall, it lasted about 14 hours
Without further ado, here are pictures for your viewing pleasure:

Without further ado, here are pictures for your viewing pleasure:
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She's SOOOO PRETTY!!!!! Congratulations Mommy!
congrats! thanks for sharing your story...i love hearing labor/delivery stories. and sarah is absolutely beautiful! you look great, too....so happy! how are you adjusting to mommyhood so far? congrats again..you have a beautiful little family!
Yay!!! Congrats- she is beautiful! What a nice uneventful labor! I only hope to be so lucky!
Congrats again Monica and Josh! She is so adorable!!!
She is absolutely perfect! I hope you are enjoying being a mommy so far :)
What a beautiful family!!! Little Sarah is adorable! Congratulations on a monumental experience!
Lots of love.
OH she's gorgeous Monica!! I love her ♥ Congrats again!
Oh and I'm sooo jealous you had such a easy labor and delivery. I hope my next one is as good as your first.
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